Mission Statement: “The Knights of St Columba is an Order of Catholic men bound together in Charity, Unity and Fraternity in order to enrich their own faith and spirituality and by their own words and actions to proclaim the spiritual, moral and social message of the Catholic Church.”
The Order’s purpose is to work closely with the Hierarchy and Clergy in promoting the teachings of Jesus Christ in all things appertaining to the Catholic Faith and to be committed to the corporal and spiritual works of mercy
Bottle stalls at the Christmas Bazaar and Summer Fayre
Promoting the Order with exhibitions and displays
Reasons to join the KSC
- It is the largest Order for Catholic laymen in the United Kingdom and through the International Alliance of Catholic Knights, throughout the world.
- It is an organisation of Catholic men who have joined together to serve the Church, their fellow men and each other in charity and fraternity.
- It is organised in about 450 local councils grouped into some 30 Provinces who are all represented on a Supreme Council. with Hayes Council being part of Westminster Western – Province 30.
- Your active participation in council affairs, spiritually, fraternally and socially, will serve as an example to others and enable you to develop your own abilities.
- You will share in the sense of pride that all Knights feel in knowing that their Order is second to none in support of Our Holy Father, the Hierarchy and Clergy; in working for our fellow man, especially those most
in need.
There are only two requirements for a man to join the Knights of St Columba; that he is a practicing Catholic; as understood by the Church and that he is 16 years of age or over. Members also pay annual dues
equivalent to £1.00 per week; however consideration is given to individual’s circumstances.
Some of the activities of Hayes Council are:-
- Raising money for charitable causes by Sponsored Walks, Raffles, Race Nights and other social events.
- Taking part and supporting Spiritual events such as the annual pilgrimage to Aylesford, the Edmund Campion Relic pilgrimage and the Westminster Mass in November for our deceased brothers.
- Encouraging our youth in their faith with youth projects such as the Christmas Card Painting Competition and the annual KSC Youth Seminar in Leeds.
- Catholic Action including supporting the Right to Life and campaigning against Euthanasia and Abortion.
- Providing Spiritual and Material support for our members.
- Assisting the clergy and supporting the mission of the Catholic Church.
- Supporting the parish by running a Bottle stall at the Christmas and Summer fairs.
Social events – the Provincial Presentation night, Council dinners and the Hanwell Valentines Dance.
The annual pilgrimage to The Friars at Aylesford
Supporting local charities.
Hillingdon MS receiving a donation from Grand Knight Peter Chidwick
Grand Knight Peter Chidwick receiving the Provincial Award for Youth activities.
The Council meets at 8.00pm on the second Monday of the month in the Claret Room of Botwell House. New members always welcome!
Join St Columba’s army of Knights and show your love for all mankind! Contact:
Grand Knight: Peter Chidwick – 07781 981000
Secretary: Michael Bagness – 07968 318572